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Maryland TSA rolls out mobile ID security checks for android users
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in Maryland will now accept Maryland-issued mobile driver's licenses from Google Wallet at security checkpoints. TSA PreCheck passengers will be able to use this new feature at checkpoints for identity verification at 25 participating airports.
Other states have utilized mobile driver's licenses in TSA, though they're often limited to Apple users. The passenger may consent to provide their mobile identification from Google Wallet by turning on Bluetooth and holding their Android smart phone or watch on the Credential Authentication Technology (CAT-2) reader device. The digital identity information from the mobile driver’s license is encrypted and transmitted digitally to CAT-2, where the passenger’s real-time camera photograph will be compared against the encrypted mobile identity information from Google Wallet and their reservation data that would have been on the passenger’s boarding pass.
Once the CAT-2 confirms the identity match, a TSA officer will verify the match and the passenger will proceed to security screening. TSA officers may perform additional passenger verification if needed. The real-time live camera photograph and the mobile identification information is not kept, transmitted or used for any purpose other than for the immediate identity verification by a TSA officer. Passengers who do not wish to participate in facial matching can opt out in favor of an alternative identity verification process.
All passengers, including those traveling through security with a Maryland mobile driver’s license or state ID, must continue to carry and have readily available their physical driver’s license or identification card, or other acceptable ID listed on the TSA website. A physical ID may be required for identity verification.