The Security Blog is written by our team of editors and includes thought provoking opinions, trends, and essential security information for security executives.
One of many consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is an increase in cybersecurity risks and in the complexity of implementing effective security to protect organizational information and computing infrastructure. As with pre-COVID security threats, well-proven cybersecurity strategies based on user and device authentication remain effective, and they now are more important than ever.
If security forces are going to perform more functions, which they should...they need additional training. More training for your security teams is an expensive proposition, but an all-important one.
Disaster recovery as a service can potentially save organizations money and resources while ensuring they’re prepared for an incident that could potentially put them out of business. But what is DraaS, how can it be implemented at your organization and what are the benefits?
Repurposing video surveillance and artificial intelligence and analytics traditionally used for security initiatives within the healthcare space can increase positive patient interactions and bring additional value to your current electronic physical security solutions.
Just like every company in the business world, cybercriminals are looking to boost their sales. With ransomware, they’ve found a way to force victims to pay. And in their quest, cyber attackers are borrowing a playbook from sales teams in legitimate businesses.
To determine whether implementing gaming techniques for security awareness training at your organization makes sense, it is important to first understand what the ultimate goal of the security awareness course is. In many cases, gaming techniques can help employees overcome initial resistance to learning.
I have been in the cybersecurity industry for more than 20 years now. I have founded, operated, and exited several cybersecurity startups. I also advised, invested in, and even acquired a handful. Despite successful outcomes, my experience has left me perhaps a little jaded. Are we winning the battle? When I log into my various web accounts, I am so often reminded that my password had been stolen, sometimes alongside with my personal information. Even major financial institutions and government agencies have suffered a similar fate. Cybersecurity is broken, and here is why.